Toronto CANADA AREDN Group - Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network

Toronto CANADA AREDN Group - Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network
This group is to encourage the use of the AREDN mesh networking software to create a ham radio network. It's focused on MESH, all hams are welcome!

Amateur Radio AREDN or Broadband Mesh Network Software and Hardware is for an amateur radio operators who are interested in setting up and expanding the HSMM Mesh Network for emergency communications and high speed data transfer, including VOIP, video, messaging and other networking tasks. Since we are using Amateur Radio Frequencies, at least Technician class FCC license is required. Currently we are using the AREDN Firmware (

This group is provided to share information on the Amateur Radio use of mesh networks first created for the greater Toronto, CANADA area. We are currently supporting BBHN and AREDN firmware using OLSR routing on both 2.4 and 5.8 GHz. radio nodes. The 3.4 GHz band is under evaluation. This group plans to discuss all aspects of mesh network deployment and applications such as repeater linking, VOIP and other network services useful to ham radio. EMCOMM implications of mesh will also be considered. 

This is an interest group specific to experimenting with mesh networks derived from the AREDN (Amateur Radio Emergency Digital Network) project and on approved Amateur Radio frequencies.

We are experimenting with hardware and software to find what works and can be supported and will serve as a foundation upon which to build and expand features and services. These efforts in many ways represent the core of Amateur Radio. We learn through experimentation and cooperation in the common pursuit of advancing knowledge and skills.

Our goal if achieved would be to build an non-commercial RF mesh network that functions in a distributed and robust manner even in cases of emergencies. We strive to have fun along the way and we welcome those that wish to help.

No commercial users or promotions by vendors please. Personal sales and trading announcements are permitted, but take any negotiations off-list.

Please treat other users with the respect you would want for yourself. No flaming or personal attacks will be permitted. This rule will be enforced.

Thanks for your interest. Hopefully you will find some useful information here.

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Amateur Radio Emergency Data Network (MESH)

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