Raspberry Pi For Use As A Wireless Access Point

How To Set Your Raspberry Pi For Use As A Wireless Access Point

If you have a Raspberry Pi as part of your AREDN Mesh setup and you’re using an Ethernet connection to it from your Mesh radio, it’s good to remember that the Pi also has built-in WiFi which you can configure it as an Access Point for the Mesh Network. This is very helpful when you’re working on your system as you can use your phone, tablet or laptop to connect to the Mesh, wirelessly. 

raspi-config - is the Raspberry Pi configuration tool

While setting it up, use your call as part of the SSID (for example, I use “AH6LE-UHF”) so it’s easy to recognize it when I want to connect to it.

Remember, the range is pretty limited (which is probably a good thing as it should only be needed during a “service call”).

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